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          1.  Hello, welcome to Huazhou science and Technology Co., Ltd!

            Mobile lighting

            Fixed lamps



            Baj52 explosion proof emergency light


            Column:emergency lamp

            Brand name:Huazhou science and technology
            Input voltage:AC220V 50/60Hz
            Light source:LED
            Rated power:2X5W
            Explosion proof sign:ExdⅡBT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T80℃/ExdⅡCT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T80℃
            Protection level:IP65
            Product description:It is widely used in oil exploitation, oil refining, chemical industry, tobacco, textile, military and other explosive environment.
            • No more!
            • BAYD81 防爆標志燈